SurgBioMech Lab

Welcome to the Pocivavsek Lab


Surgery is anatomy. Anatomy is geometry. Geometry is the heart of mechanics.


Congratulations Dr. Nhung Nguyen!

Congratulations to our post-doctoral scholar, Dr. Nhung Nguyen! She is the new Research Assistant Professor in Surgery at University of Chicago.

Congratulations Kameel!

Kameel Khabaz wins 1st place for his poster “Single Institution Analysis of Current Aortic Shape and Size Metrics for TEVAR” at the Society for Vascular Surgery’s Vascular Research Initiatives Conference Poster Competition for Aneurysmal Disease.

Welcome Žiga Donik!

SurgBioMech lab welcomes American-Slovenian Education Foundation Junior Fellow, mechanical engineering graduate student, Žiga Donik, from the University of Maribor, Slovenia for a 10-week research residency.

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